Saturday, March 20, 2010

piktrippers weekly theme : GREEN.

we started a collaborative concept in the middle of march called "weekly theme".  it is designed to keep us all "clicking", "snapping" and being creative between pik tripper monthly adventures.

the entire collection can be found on pik tripper's facebook page, TONS of great pix were posted - but the ones eligible are the ones actually shot during the week of the specific theme.  here are some "showcased" images that we wanted to share in our blog. 


photo by brian dougher

photo by brian dougher

photo by brian dougher

photo by charity roberts

photo by nikki martin

photo by randi dougher

photo by randi dougher

photo by aggie davis-brooks
photo by aggie davis-brooks

photo by aggie davis-brooks

photo by vickie bullock

GREAT job you guys - THANKS for participating!!!!